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Need help now? Call our helpline.
We value an inclusive environment for all people, regardless of their faith, age, race, gender, gender identity, ability, education level, political affiliation, culture, income, language, or sexual orientation. We work to ensure people feel honored, respected, valued, and, most importantly, welcomed at JFS Rochester everyday.
People of all abilities should feel welcome, safe, and included in Services for the Jewish Community and at community events. JFS Rochester partners with our community’s synagogues and other Jewish-centered organizations to promote inclusion and address the needs of Jewish people with disabilities and their families. The result is a more inclusive Jewish Rochester community that is inviting and safe for everyone.
For more information about the Accessibility & Inclusion programs at JFS Rochester, please contact Sharon Shafrir, Accessibility & Inclusion Director at or call (585) 506-3062.
Jewish Family Services
255 East Ave, Suite 201
Rochester, NY 14604
T: (585) 461-0110
F: (585) 461-9658
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Jewish Family Services is an equal opportunity provider. | © 2023 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.